Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tutorial For You, Water Text in Pixelmator

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create text with water effects.
Water Text in Pixelmator

Step 1

Open Pixelmator and create a new document. I used 1440×900 pixels. Also, keep the background white.
Water Text in Pixelmator

Step 2

With the Type Tool (T), add a text. I typed “WATER” using Arial black for the font. The color here doesn’t matter because we will use it to mask images. To create a marquee selection of the text, just click on the thumb of the text layer while holding the Command Key.

Tutorial For You, Easy Wax Seal in Illustrator and Photoshop

 Easy Wax Seal in Illustrator and Photoshop

Step 1

Open Illustrator and with the Ellipse Tool (L) create 3 circles.
Easy Wax Seal in Illustrator and Photoshop

Step 2

Using the Type on Path tool to use one of the circles to add a text following it. I added "Approved by Abduzeedo" and "Design-Inspiration-Tutorials". After that for the outer circle use the Warp Tool to distort the circle like the image below.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tutorial For You, Playing with Timeline in Photoshop CS6

Step 1

Open Photoshop CS6 and create a new document. Fill the background layer with any color, then go to Layer>Layer>Styles>Gradient Overlay. Use Radial for the Style and for the colors use black and #38556f for the center.

Text Effect 3d

Start by Opening a new document
Photoshop Darkness Logo Tutorial Now using the text tool type the word “Darkness” on the screen using white as the color. The font that I am using is blade 2 and the size is 150px

Create 3d Text Qpoit With Photoshop

Create a new document in Photoshop. Grab your Gradient tool to make a Radial Gradient. I created one using a background color of #000000 and a foreground color of #009092. Place it a little bit under the center of your work, it'll look nicer at the end.